Item Description
Gauge Pilot has stopped producing without any warning and has stopped deliveries... Apparently they have destroyed all stock of parts and accessories ??? Not really customer friendly...
With the exception of the GPS sensor supplied by Belmog to Gauge Pilot, and with the exception of a few parts that we still have in stock, nothing is available anymore...
GaugePilot Rally Pro 
The pinnacle of the competition range, the Rally Pro is the instrument of choice for complex events such as the Mille Miglia and Targa Florio. Its unique Farina application allows pre-entry of stage information and controls the driver’s dedicated information display (included) reducing the stress in the cockpit and improving results.
Top model + optional remote display now 'life' to test in the Belmogshop.
Soon available from stock in the Belmogshop...'BELMOG SPECIAL' GAUGE PILOT UNDER DEVELOPMENT.
This 'Belmog Special Gauge Pilot ' will be equipped with 'tools' needed in rally's like the Classic Monte Carlo and the 'Mille Miglia' : The pre programable timing and navigation system. BUT CAN ALSO BE USED WITOUT PRE PROGRAMMING.
When equipped with our IR439 GPS SENSOR TO PULSE OUTSIDE ANTENNA + MEMORY the instrument is easy to change between different cars without the need to re calibrate!
Ideal for pre-war cars where the original dashboard instruments are limited. Has 'the looks' and the top model can offer nearly any dasboard instrument (temp - fuel - tacho - speedo - and lots more)!
Works on 6v or 12v negative or positive earth!
During an event, stage elements are displayed in a format representative of that used in the Millie Miglia route book, reducing navigator workload and reducing the probability of human error.
Driver display - is an essential companion to Farina, providing the driver with the intuitive Rallymaster too-fast too-slow needle display and count down odometers to easily track progress.
Count down - An audible warning is triggered at 30 seconds, 15 seconds, and then a ten second countdown to better allow the driver to synchronise themselves to the control timing. This uses warning output 2 so an accessory buzzer is essential.
The Table - Data is entered ahead of time into a table using a format representative of that provided to drivers during the Mille Miglia, which may also be edited on-the-fly during an event if elements are modified during a stage. Up to 300 CO/CT/PM/PC/startPC row entries can be pre-loaded into the table, representing up to 25 individually accessible CO stages, at any one time
. Tested to the limit - As with all GaugePilot applications they are race proven, Farina has brought top honours in the Beajourlaise Run 2015 GT Class , and has allowed teams to improve their results substantially in the Mille Miglia 2015, 2016, Targa Florio 2015, 2016 and more.
Your GaugePilot makes calibration to the roadbook mile/km incredibly easy.
Firstly, you can change between Miles and KM as your distance units and your unit will remain calibrated. No need to change gears or to change your calibration value between events using Miles and events using KM - just tell the unit which units you are using and it does the rest.
Calibration itself is straightforward. Start the calibration application, drive the calibration distance, adjust the odometer to match what the rally organiser states that distance is, and press store. That is it!
If you find that the driver's driving style or the weather conditions mean that your odometer is under or over reading during the event, use the analogue slider in Trim to adjust your calibration by +/- 5%.
The Trim is automatically reset each time you calibrate, to ensure that you don't accidentally leave an old trim value in place.